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{Book Review} - If I Stay by Gayle Forman

If I Stay, written by Gayle Forman, is a well written novel with breathtaking details and deep and captivating characters. Published in 2009 and turning into a movie in 2014, the book follows the main protagonist Mia, a seventeen year old cellist with a loving family and an even more loving boyfriend. After getting into a car accident on a snowy day in Oregon, she is left an orphan with her mother and father dead. Her younger brother Teddy is remained in unknown condition, or where he is for that matter. Mia is stuck in a "ghostly form" while her body remains in a coma in the hospital, in which she recounts many memories with her family and boyfriend, Adam, before she has makes her decision to stay alive, or to leave the rest of her family and friends behind.

The movie adaptation, released into theaters on August 22nd, 2014, was directed by R. J. Cutler and produced by Summit Entertainment. However, Where She Went is the sequel to the book. Where She Went is not confirmed to be produced into a movie. I have not seen the movie yet.

After just finishing the book today, throughout everything written in the book, it made me think. And when I think, I mean to imagine. Imagine and think how Mia was thinking in her memories. Her memories in my mind were vivid and complete, like if I was there myself. The book had lots of interesting characters, each with their own backstory to complete their personality and traits to make them who they were in the story. Also, nothing ever was stale or boring; everything bloomed into something new every time. Whether it was Adam and Mia's relationship, or how the memories took a turn for the worse, there was something new every time. The ending was a cliffhanger unfortunately, and it was left to the reader what to do next.

In the end, I admit I did end up shedding a single tear during Journalism when I finished the book, and I'm glad I stayed with this book until the end. I definitely recommend the book to teens and adults alike.

{Rating: Perfect 10/10}

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