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How was the name "SkittlesBeats" concieved?


I have these multicolored headphones that I wore all of the time during middle school. Someone called me Skittles one day and I said that these headphones were Beats quality (which they so weren't). So I said,

"Hey... SkittlesBeats... I like that..."

When did you write your first book?


During fifth grade, waiting to go into the lunchroom, I sent to the back to the line for talking or something. The counselor pulled me into her office and asked me what my talent was. I knew it was writing, so I told her and she helped me write my first "book", the Book Story. I know, lame. Unfortunately, I lost the files somewhere, so I never got to finish it. So sad.

I’m having problems thinking of ideas for a story. How do you create ideas for your story?


I use things around me. People, settings, objects, you name it. Anything that I could imagine. Then, I would create a plot for it and boom, you have yourself a story. Try it!

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