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{Beats' Blog #1} - Homecoming Happenings

{Now Playing: Fami Food by Protodome, A Million Miles Away by マクロスMACROSS 82-99, and I'm Coming by Pa's Lam System}

Homecoming. Man, was it crazy. There was a pep rally, a Homecoming football game, and a Homecoming Dance, which moi had to attend. But before all of that, it was Spirit Week (I don't feel like going into much detail, but we did Spirit Week stuff). I had to attend the pep rally because it was during school ( can't just leave school, duh.), the Homecoming football game (had to hand out newspapers for journalism. That part of it was actually fun, but I left after the band played because I wanted to see a certain someone play in it, but more on that later.), and the Homecoming dance just because I wanted to. It was my first high school dance, and I wanted to see what everybody was like when shiz got real.

First, the Pep Rally. First of all, it was too goshdang loud. Second, the freshman did absolutely jack. All we did was clap. And the seniors... the seniors were acting like they won a million dollars. It was madness. I'm surprised all of the posters hanging on the walls weren't peeling off of the walls. We lost everything competition wise of course, and overall just sucked.

Second, the Homecoming football game (oh crud, forgot to ask if we won or not). My job was to give out newspapers that we wrote in journalism. I gave out about two hundred of them, while everyone else gave out one hundred. I'd say we gave out five to six hundred out in total. I got a giant, and might I add free cupcake out of it. Also free admission to the game. But, to my dismay, I could not find my only friend that was there. So I stayed until halftime, when the band played. It featured (hmm... let's call her Autumn.) Autumn, who'd I had met during orientation. I began to like her, but we both know that we just wanted to be friends. I could deal with that. So I stayed and watched. I had asked her to the dance, and she called me and said yes, so I was excited for the next day. Therefore I called my mother to pick me up and take me home.

And finally, the Homecoming Dance. Unfortunately, I overprepared and forgot my ticket, sending my mother back home to retrieve it. I thanked her with all of my heart and was allowed it. I found Autumn in the line and held my hand to her, implying for her to hold it.

Rejection numero uno.

She fled with her friends which was understandable, so I caught up with (hmm... Katie) Katie and waiting for her to come back. I try to make small talk with her, but she justs ignores me or just gives me a small reply without looking at me or ANYTHING. I sighed and gave up, cutting in front to Katie and going into the dance early. I waited for her by the door and asked for her hand again.

Rejection numero dos.

I shook my head and looked for Katie, thinking that she could give me some advice or something of the sort. She did no such thing and went off with her date. I found Autumn after a couple of minutes and asked her to dance. I know she wanted to be friends, she said that herself, but friends dance, right?

Rejection numero tres.

I began to grow frustrated with it all, just asked her flat out if she would give me a chance.

And just like the song I heard today, love is kombat. You must fight for it.

I begged and I pleaded, but the rejection counter wouldn't stop going up. I sighed, and what followed was two and a half hours of somewhat dancing and walking around in sorrow, looking at everyone having fun but me. There was no way to. I hated it. Oh and by the way, if you don't a date, you're screwed.

So that was Homecoming. Can't wait for next year! *sarcasm to the max*

Sorry for the post being so long. If you read this entire thing, here's a cookie! 🍪*insert cookie here*

And thank you!

{Rating: Didn't Like It}

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